
How to Put Rhinestones on Shoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a bit of sparkle to your shoes is an easy way to take your look from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you’re looking for a subtle hint of glamour or something more dramatic, putting rhinestones on shoes is the perfect way to make a statement.

With just a few simple supplies and some patience, you can transform any pair of shoes into something truly unique. So if you’re ready to add some bling to your wardrobe, here’s how to put rhinestones on shoes!

Table of Contents:

What You’ll Need

If you’re looking to add some sparkle and pizzazz to your wardrobe, shoes, or arts and crafts projects, rhinestones are the perfect way to do it.

Whether you’re a fashionista wanting to glam up an outfit or an artist creating something unique for a special occasion, rhinestones can help make your project stand out from the crowd.

But before you get started on your next project with rhinestones, there are some supplies that you will need in order to ensure success. The first thing that is necessary when working with rhinestones is adhesive.

This can be either glue specifically designed for use with crystals and stones or fabric glue if attaching them onto clothing items such as t-shirts or hats.

Make sure that whatever type of adhesive you choose is strong enough so that the stones stay put after application.

Additionally, it should also be flexible enough so that it won’t crack over time due to movement of the material they’re attached to (such as clothes).

Another important item needed when using rhinestones is tweezers; these are great for picking up small stones and placing them precisely where desired without having any fingerprints left behind on the stone itself.

If possible try getting ones with rubber tips which will provide more grip when handling delicate materials like crystals and pearls.

Lastly, depending on what kind of design/patterns one wants to create with their stones – templates may come in handy!

These allow users to trace out shapes beforehand so they know exactly where each stone needs go before applying them onto their surface of choice (clothing/shoes etc.).

In conclusion, having all these supplies at hand before starting any project involving rhinestone applications will make life much easier!

Not only will this save time but also money since most adhesives have long shelf lives meaning one bottle could last multiple projects if stored properly between uses.

So don’t forget:

Adhesive + Tweezers + Templates = Rhinestone Success!

Key Takeaway: When using rhinestones for any project, it is important to have the right supplies on hand. This includes adhesive, tweezers with rubber tips, and templates if desired. Having these items will save time and money while ensuring success in your projects!

Preparing the Shoes

Adding rhinestones to your shoes is a great way to give them an extra sparkle and make them stand out. But before you can start adding the rhinestones, it’s important that you prepare the shoes properly.

The first step in preparing your shoes for rhinestone application is to clean off any dirt or debris from the surface of the shoe. This will ensure that when you apply glue, it won’t be blocked by anything on the shoe.

You can do this with a damp cloth or paper towel. Once all of the dirt has been removed, let your shoes dry completely before moving onto the next step.

Next, apply a thin layer of clear glue or nail polish over the entire shoe. This will help keep your rhinestones in place and prevent them from falling off later on down the line.

Be sure to cover every inch of each shoe so that no area is left uncovered – even if there are no stones planned for that spot! Let this layer dry completely before applying any additional layers or decorations like glitter or paint (if desired).

By taking these steps prior to adding rhinestones, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that they’ll stay put and look their best for years to come!

So don’t forget:

Preparation is key when it comes to giving your shoes some added bling!

Key Takeaway: Adding rhinestones to your shoes is a great way to give them an extra sparkle, but it’s important to prepare the shoes properly first. This includes cleaning off any dirt or debris and applying a thin layer of clear glue or nail polish over the entire shoe. Taking these steps will ensure that your rhinestones stay in place and look their best for years to come!

Applying the Rhinestones

Whether you’re looking for a subtle sparkle or an eye-catching design, adding rhinestones can take any pair of shoes from ordinary to extraordinary.

Before you start applying the rhinestones, it’s important to have the right tools on hand. You will need tweezers, fabric glue, scissors and of course – your chosen rhinestones!

It’s also helpful to have a piece of cardboard handy so that you don’t accidentally stick the stones onto other surfaces while working with them. Once you have all your supplies ready, begin by deciding where exactly on the shoe you want each stone placed.

If possible, draw out a pattern first using chalk or pencil before gluing down any stones as this will help keep everything neat and even when finished.

Once satisfied with your placement plan, use tweezers to pick up each stone one at a time and apply fabric glue directly onto its backside before pressing it into place on the shoe surface firmly but gently.

Repeat this process until all stones are in place then leave aside for several hours (or overnight) until completely dry before wearing them out!

It’s important not rush through this process as taking extra care when placing each stone will ensure that they stay put longer without falling off easily over time – plus it’ll give better results overall too!

Finally remember that if needed; extra adhesive can be applied around edges after drying just in case some areas didn’t get enough coverage initially during application stage itself. So go ahead and make those plain shoes look amazing in no time.

Key Takeaway: To do this, you’ll need tweezers, fabric glue, scissors and of course – your chosen rhinestones! Take extra care when placing each stone as it will ensure that they stay put longer without falling off easily over time. With patience and the right supplies, you can transform any pair of shoes from ordinary to extraordinary in no time!

Adding Finishing Touches

Adding finishing touches to your shoes can make them stand out from the crowd and express your unique style. Whether you’re looking for a subtle touch or something more eye-catching, there are plenty of ways to customize your footwear with rhinestones.

Rhinestones come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so you can easily find one that fits the look you’re going for. They also add an extra sparkle and shine to any shoe design!

To apply rhinestones securely, start by selecting a fabric glue specifically designed for use on shoes. This will ensure that the stones stay put even after lots of wear and tear.

Once you have chosen the right adhesive, it’s time to begin adding your bling! Start by placing small dots of glue onto each stone before pressing it firmly into place on the shoe surface.

Make sure not to get too much glue as this could cause damage or discoloration when dry. If necessary, use tweezers or other tools to help position each piece correctly before allowing it time to set completely (usually around 24 hours).

For added security, consider using clear nail polish over top of each stone once they are all in place – this will help keep them secure during regular wear and tear!

Once your rhinestone application is complete, why not take things up a notch?

Adding additional embellishments such as bows or ribbons can give an extra special touch without being too overwhelming – perfect if you want something simple yet stylish!

You could also try lacing ribbon through eyelets along the sides of sneakers for a fun twist on traditional lace-up styles; just be sure that whatever material you choose is durable enough for everyday wear and won’t fray easily over time.

No matter what type of finishing touches you decide upon for your shoes – whether they’re plain white trainers or statement stilettos – having some sparkly additions never hurt anyone!

Key Takeaway: Adding rhinestones to your shoes is an easy way to customize them and express your unique style. Be sure to use a fabric glue specifically designed for shoes, as well as clear nail polish for extra security. You can also take things up a notch by adding additional embellishments such as bows or ribbons. With these tips, you’ll be able to create the perfect shoe look that will turn heads!

FAQs in Relation to How to Put Rhinestones on Shoes

What glue do you use to put rhinestones on shoes?

The best glue to use when putting rhinestones on shoes is a strong, waterproof adhesive. This will ensure that the stones stay in place and won’t come off due to moisture or wear and tear.

There are several types of adhesives available specifically for attaching rhinestones to fabric, leather, and other materials.

E6000 Craft Adhesive is one of the most popular options as it provides an extremely strong bond between the shoe material and the rhinestone.

It also dries clear so you don’t have to worry about any unsightly residue being left behind after application. Other glues such as Gem -Tac Permanent Adhesive or Aleene’s Jewelry & Metal Glue can also be used depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Whichever type of glue you choose, make sure that it is designed for use with fabrics or metals before applying it onto your shoes.

How do you secure rhinestones on shoes?

Securing rhinestones on shoes is a fairly straightforward process. The most common way to do this is by using an adhesive such as E6000 or Gem -Tac, which are both specifically designed for use with fabric and other materials.

Before applying the adhesive, it’s important to make sure that the shoe surface is clean and free of dirt or dust particles so that the glue will adhere properly.

Once you have applied a thin layer of glue to the back of each stone, press them firmly onto your shoe in whatever pattern you desire.

Allow time for the stones to dry completely before wearing your shoes out in public! If desired, you can also add extra security by sewing around each stone with a needle and thread after they have been glued down.

How do you attach rhinestones to sneakers?

Attaching rhinestones to sneakers is a great way to add some sparkle and pizzazz to your footwear. There are several methods you can use, depending on the type of sneaker material and the size of the rhinestones.

The most common method for attaching rhinestones to sneakers is with fabric glue or craft glue.

Start by cleaning off any dirt or debris from the surface of your shoe, then apply a thin layer of glue onto the backside of each stone before pressing it firmly into place on your sneaker.

You may need to hold it in place for a few seconds until it sticks securely. Allow at least 24 hours for the adhesive to fully dry before wearing them out!

For leather shoes, you can also use an industrial-strength adhesive such as E6000 or GemTac Glue instead of fabric glue if desired.

Apply a small amount directly onto each stone before affixing them in place; this will ensure that they stay put even when exposed to moisture or heat.

Again, allow at least 24 hours for drying time before wearing them out!

Can you add rhinestones to shoes?

Yes, you can add rhinestones to shoes. Rhinestones are a great way to customize and personalize your footwear, adding sparkle and pizzazz to any pair of shoes.

Whether it’s a casual sneaker or an elegant evening sandal, you can use rhinestones to create unique designs that will make your shoes stand out from the crowd. Adding rhinestones is relatively easy and requires only basic supplies such as glue, tweezers, and scissors.


With the right supplies, some patience, and a bit of creativity, you can create beautiful designs that will turn heads.

Remember to take your time when applying the rhinestones so that they stay in place for years to come. And don’t forget – have fun!

You never know what amazing looks you can create when you put rhinestones on shoes!

Are you looking for a way to add some sparkle and shine to your wardrobe? Look no further than the Rhinestone Shop! We offer a wide selection of rhinestones for clothing, styling, and arts and crafts. Our products are easy to use and will help you create stunning designs that will make you stand out from the crowd.

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